User Commands XROUTER SYSOP MANUAL ==================== SECTION 5 - COMMAND REFERENCE ============================= COMMANDS AVAILABLE TO EVERYONE ------------------------------ The following user commands are available on Xrouter: @ ? AMsg Arp Bye CHat Connect Dx Echo Finger GPing Help Host Info IProutes J Links MHeard Nodes NPing NRr Ports PIng PMs Quit Routes SEnd Stats Telnet TTylink Users Version Yell Commands are not case-sensitive, and only the portion shown in UPPER- CASE is required. @ Request sysop status Syntax: @ [string] In order to gain access to sensitive commands, remote sysops must first complete a password challenge. Firstly, the remote sysop enters "@" alone, and the system replies with a matrix consisting of 5 lines of 5 numbers thus: 4 1 6 3 7 3 5 2 6 3 7 1 9 2 4 2 7 1 4 6 3 5 2 6 1 The remote sysop must then choose ONE of the lines, and send the "@" command again, followed by the 5 characters from the password string which correspond to the 5 numbers on the chosen line. There must be a space after the "@" but no spaces between the characters. The first character of the password string is numbered zero. If the challenge is correctly answered, the system replies with "Ok", and the user has remote sysop status. If the user does not have a password registered in PASSWORD.SYS, the response to this command will be "Bad command". Note: Console sysops already have full access and don't need to use this command. ? Obtain command list or syntax help Syntax: ? [cmd] Xrouter Command Reference Revision 2.2 (18/12/02) Page 1 User Commands If used without arguments, this command sends a list of the basic commands available to the user. If the argument is an asterisk (e.g. "? *") it lists all the available commands. Using the form "? cmd" shows the syntax for "cmd". AMSG Enter APRS Messaging mode. Syntax: AM[sg] The AMSG command switches the user's session into APRS messaging mode, enabling him to exchange messages and bulletins with APRS and UI-View users. The argument specifies the radio port upon which traffic will be sent and received. e.g. "AM 13" will use port 13. APRS Messaging mode has it's own commands, detailed elsewhere in this document. ARP Display Address Resolution Protocol table Syntax: ARP [ LIST ] The ARP command is used to display the Address Resolution Table, which is responsible for mapping IP addresses to callsigns. The LIST subcommand is available to everyone, and has the same effect as using ARP by itself. Other subcommands are available to sysops only (see sysop command section). The response may look like this: G8PZT:KIDDER} Host type Hw Address AX25 GB7WV-12 AX25 GB7IPT-9 AX25 GB7GH (End of list) is the neighbour's IP address, is either "ax25" or "ether" (Ethernet) and is the hardware address or callsign of the neighbour. In order for this command to have any meaning, the router must have an IP address and be connected to an IP-capable network. BYE Disconnect from the router. Xrouter Command Reference Revision 2.2 (18/12/02) Page 2 User Commands The BYE command forces a disconnection, and is useful when the user does not have easy access to a TNC's "command mode", or when the uplink is from another node with the "stay" option enabled. Disconnection of an uplink terminates all dependent sessions. CHAT Connect to the chat server. Syntax: CH[AT] The CHAT command connects the user to the integral chat server, which has its own set of commands detailed in a separate section. The chat server may also be reached directly by telnetting to the router's TCP port 3600. CONNECT -- Make an outgoing AX25 connection Syntax: C[ONNECT] [port] [V[ia] digi[,digi...]] [S] The CONNECT command, which may be abbreviated to "C", instructs the router to make an outgoing (downlink) AX25 level 2 or 4 connection with another system. If the target is a known node (i.e. one which is in the nodes table) a port number is not required, and will be ignored if supplied. The router will attempt to make a level 4 connection with the target, using information from the routing tables. However, a level 2 connection with an immediately adjacent node may be forced by using the target's alias with an arbitrary SSID, specifying a port number if required (e.g. C 4 MLVN-1) If the target is not a known node, the router will attempt to make a level 2 connection. On multi-port systems, a port number must be specified. The "V" (via) parameter allows up to 7 digipeaters to be specified, e.g.: "C 3 G6YAK V G8NTU G8EPR" The "S" (stay) parameter, e.g. "C S" causes the uplink session to stay connected when the downlink session to the target node is terminated. See also: TELNET (nake TCP connections) DX Show best APRS DX Syntax: DX [port] Xrouter Command Reference Revision 2.2 (18/12/02) Page 3 User Commands Providing the router's position is defined, APRS position reports heard by the router will be logged in the DX list, in order of distance. The sysop may set this up to show only the directly heard stations, or may choose to include those heard via digipeaters. The response to the DX command looks like this: G8PZT:KIDDER} Dx list: Port Callsign Dist Dir Date Time Frames Position Via 9 GB7GH 62Km 170 22/08 10:59 72 5151.20N 00205.80W 4 G6GUH 21Km 325 22/08 05:41 1 5233.38N 00225.80W 1 G3KFD 13Km 36 21/08 17:38 5 5229.65N 00208.28W (End of list) ECHO Starts an echo session. Syntax: ECHO After issuing the ECHO command the router will echo back to you anything you send to it, which is useful for link testing etc. The session is terminated only by disconnection. FINGER -- Display information about users. Syntax: FINGER If the command is of the form "FINGER ", the router searches the FINGER sub-directory for a text file which matches "user", and sends the contents of that file if it exists. The file may contain anything you like, and "user" may be a callsign, nickname or other form of hostname consisting of up to 8 legal DOS characters If the form "user@host" or "@host" is used, the router will attempt to resolve "host" into an IP address and establish a TCP/IP contact with the finger server on that host. Examples: FINGER g8pzt Info on local user g8pzt FINGER g8jvm@iptlfd Limitations: This feature is very rudimentary at present, requiring the user account files to be created by the sysop. HELP Displays help for commands and other topics Syntax: H[ELP] [cmd | topic] If no arguments are given, a short text gives directions on how to access help. If the argument is a topic or a command name, the contents of the appropriate file in the HELP sub-directory are displayed. Xrouter Command Reference Revision 2.2 (18/12/02) Page 4 User Commands The argument "*" will list all the help topics available. Example: H PING will give help for the PING command. Limitations: The command or topic name must at present be given in full, thus "H NODES" is acceptable, but "H N" is not (unless you duplicate the NODES.HLP file to N.HLP). Future versions will search for the closest match. Note: The help available using the HELP command is intended to be of use to both sysops and users alike, and is kept brief in order to avoid wasting airtime. The MAN system gives more detailed information for sysops. The sysop may customise the help files, or add his/her own help topics to the HELP directory as required. The HELP directory is located beneath the router's working directory, and the files are simply plain text files with the .HLP extension. Files without the .HLP extension will not be listed or accessible. See also: ?, MAN, INFO HOST Display information about a TCP/IP host Syntax: HO[st] | Example: ho kidder G8PZT:KIDDER} Host name information for kidder: Hostname: Address: INFO Displays information about the router and other topics. Syntax: INFO [topic] If no arguments are given, the INFOMSG text is sent to the user. If the sysop has created other INFO topics, the user will then be prompted to enter "INFO *" to display the list of topics. If [topic] is specified, the contents of the appropriate .INF file, if it exists, are sent to the user. Example: I FOURPAK Displays fourpak.inf file. Note: The sysop may create INFO topics as required, and there is no need to restart in order to activate them. Each topic should be created as a plain text file with the .INF extension and should be placed in the INFO sub-directory located immediately under the router's working directory. Xrouter Command Reference Revision 2.2 (18/12/02) Page 5 User Commands Files without the .INF extension will not be listed or accessible. Limitations: Topic names must consist of a maximum of 8 legal DOS characters. See also: ?, HELP, MAN IPROUTE -- Display IP routing table. Syntax: IPR[OUTE] The IPROUTE command, which may be abbreviated to IPR, displays the contents of the table responsible for routing of IP datagrams. This table is initialised from file IPROUTE.SYS when the router is started, and may contain other entries "learned" by the system, or entered by the sysop. It is not required in any way for normal AX25 and NETROM activities. For each route it displays the IP address, the subnet mask, the gateway address, the port and the mode (Datagram, VC or Netrom). The command "IP ROUTES" produces an identical result. J Displays recently connected stations. Syntax: J The J command lists the callsigns of the last 20 stations who have connected to the router since it was booted. The display looks like this: G8PZT:KIDDER} Recent users: Typ Usercall Logoff-time Mins From-bytes-To L4 G1WXA-6@GB7BHM 22/08 11:06 1 8 1674 L2 GB7COV-14 22/08 11:06 1 696 93 L4 GB7PZT@GB7PZT 22/08 10:57 0 1370 236 L2 G4YUD 22/08 10:54 2 13 765 (End of list) The "Typ" field shows the type of uplink (L2, L4, TCP, CONsole, TTY etc) The "Usercall" field shows the user's callsign. If it was a Netrom level 4 connection, the user's node is also shown, in the form @. The "Logoff-time" field shows the date and time when the user logged off. The "Mins" field shows how ling the user was connected in minutes. The "Bytes from/to" fields show how many information (i.e. layer 7) bytes were received from, and sent to the user. Xrouter Command Reference Revision 2.2 (18/12/02) Page 6 User Commands LINKS -- Displays the currently active level 2 sessions. The LINKS command lists level 2 user up/downlinks and inter- node links. It is mainly of interest to sysops, and shows the callsigns being used at both ends of the link plus some other data, for example: G8PZT:KIDDER} Links: Remote Local Prt Sta V Try T3 Pac Max Idle Txq Rxq Asm G4FPV G8PZT 5 5 2 0 177 160 1 904 0 0 0 GB7PZT G8PZT 7 5 2 0 181 240 7 908 0 0 0 GB7GH G8PZT 9 5 2 0 176 120 1 903 3 1 0 (End of list) Remote and Local are the L2 callsigns in use at either end of the link. Prt - Port number Sta - Link state: 2 = connecting 4 = disconnecting 5 = connected V - AX25 version number Try - Retry count T3 - Current state of the LAPB T3 countdown Pac - Paclen Max - Maxframe Idle - Seconds since data last moved on this link. Txq - No. of L2 frames queued for transmission Rxq - No. of L2 frames on receive queue Asm - No. of frame fragments awaiting reassembly Note: The exact format of this response may differ in future versions. MHEARD -- List recently heard stations. Syntax: MH[EARD] If the facility is enabled on the specified port, the MHEARD command lists the most recently heard stations on that port, along with the date / time of reception, and the number of frames heard. This is useful for users to discover who else the router can hear, to aid the search for suitable digipeaters, and to diagnose problems. Even on linking-only ports, where there is only usually one partner, it provides a useful indication when the frequency is being encroached, either by deliberate squatting, unauthorised attempts to link, or lift conditions. If you have included an APRS-style position report in your ID beacon, the router will know its own position and will display position, distance and bearing for any stations which broadcast APRS positions. Xrouter Command Reference Revision 2.2 (18/12/02) Page 7 User Commands The command may be abbreviated to "MH". Example: MH 3 gives a heard list for port 3.... G8PZT:KIDDER} Heard list for port 3: Callsign Date Time Frames Via Type Position Dist Dir G1LOA-10 09/06 13:42 309 N G3TQG-2 09/06 13:19 599 GB7WV GB7PZT-15 09/06 13:18 708 G3KFD 21/07 23:58 332 5229.65N 00208.28W 13Km 36 (End of list) An entry in the "Via" column indicates a digipeated signal, otherwise the station was heard direct. The "Type" column indicates the type of sender, i.e. whether it is a (D)igipeater, or (N)etrom node, or has (I)P or (A)RP capabilities. The "Position" field shows the latitude and longitude of the heard stations (if known), in APRS-style. 5229.65N means 52 degrees, 29.65 minutes North of the Equator. 00208.28W means 2 degrees and 8.28 minutes West of the Greenwich meridian. The "Dir" field shows the direction of the heard station (if known) in degrees clockwise from true North. Note: For each port, the MH facility can be enabled / disabled and the maximum length of the list specified by appropriate entries in the .CFG file. NODES -- Display contents of the Nodes table. Syntax: N[odes] [* | + | F | H | I | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T] N[odes] [A | V] N[odes] < | > When used without arguments, this command lists all the NetRom nodes (but not KA nodes) known to the router, except obsolete nodes, and "hidden" nodes i.e. those whose alias begins with the hash (#) character. If the argument is a string containing wildcards, all nodes whose callsigns match the string are displayed. For example "N GB7*" will show all nodes whose callsigns begin with "GB7". Using a single asterisk (*), all nodes, including "hidden" and obsolete nodes will be displayed. If the argument is a known node call or alias, the preferred route to the specified node, and up to two alternative routes will be displayed. Example: N MLVN The response looks like this: G8PZT:KIDDER} Routes to: MLVN:G4FPV RTT=6.96 FR=3538 Q=0 > 150 5 5 G4FPV 2.57 1 5 110 5 9 GB7GH 3.10 2 5 0 4 2 G1DKI-7 0.00 0 0 Xrouter Command Reference Revision 2.2 (18/12/02) Page 8 User Commands RTT stands for Round Trip Time and is a running average of the time taken to get a L4 response from that node. FR indicates the number of level 3 frames sent to that node. Q is the number of Level 3 frames currently queued for that destination. A chevron ">" in the left-most column indicates the currently active route. The first number shows the overall path quality to the target node, the second is the "obsolescence count", and the third number is the port designator. The obsolescence count is a measure of how recently the route was heard about or used. It is usually reset to 5 upon hearing a nodes broadcast from the neighbour node, and decrements by one every time this router makes a node broadcast (typically once per hour). If it drops below 4 the route is considered to be obsolete. The final three columns are the one way "Trip Time", the hop count, if known, and the obsolescence count for those parameters. If the requested nodecall or alias is not in the table, an error message results. The "N A " (advertised) command lists only the nodes to whom one of the primary or secondary routes is via the immediate neighbour specified by . The "N F" (frames) variation lists only the nodes to whom one or more frames have been sent. The "N H" (hops) command lists only the nodes for whom a "hop count" is known, i.e. the number of nodes a frame must pass through to reach that destination. It is not always possible to measure the hops via old netrom systems. The "N I" (IP address) form displays only the nodes whose IP address is known. The "N N" command displays the "Netrom-only" nodes, i.e. those for whom a trip time is not known. The "N O" (obsolete) form displays the "Obsolete" nodes, i.e. those which haven't been heard of for a while. The "N P" (position) command lists only the nodes whose APRS position is known. This will include immediate neighbours of any software type, and distant Xrouters, providing in each case that their sysops have included their APRS position details in a beacon. Xrouter Command Reference Revision 2.2 (18/12/02) Page 9 User Commands The "N Q" (queue) command lists only the nodes for whom frames are currently queued. Since it is a "snapshot" of the state at the time the command was issued, it is likely to produce different results each time, but it allows problems to be identified. The "N R" (rtt) command lists only the nodes for whom a Round Trip Time is known. The RTT is only available for those nodes with whom traffic has been exchanged. The "N S" command lists all the nodes with non-zero stats (i.e. round-trip times and frame counts). The "N T" command lists the nodes which have only time-domain information, i.e. trip time but no netrom quality. The "N V " (via) command lists only the nodes to whom the preferred route is via the immediate neighbour whose callsign or alias is specified by . The "N +" command shows the nodes which have *both* netrom and time-domain information. The "N > " form displays the nodes whose primary route quality is greater than the specified value. The "N < " form displays the nodes whose primary route quality is less than the specified value. Examples: N - List nodes except those beginning with # N * - List nodes including those beginning with # N > 100 - List nodes whose quality is greater than 100 N < 20 - List nodes whose quality is less than 20 N + - List nodes with both quality and trip time N MLVN - Display routes to MLVN node N A MLVN - List nodes advertised by MLVN N F - List nodes to whom frames have been sent N H - List the nodes for whom a hop count is known N I - List the nodes whose IP address is known. N N - List the Netrom-only nodes N P - List all nodes whose APRS position is known N Q - List the nodes for whom data is queued N R - List the nodes for whom an RTT is known N S - List the nodes with non-zero stats N T - List the time-domain-only nodes N V MLVN - List nodes routed via MLVN node. NPING Send a Netrom echo request Syntax: NP[ing] [bytes [secs]] Xrouter Command Reference Revision 2.2 (18/12/02) Page 10 User Commands The NPING command sends an NCMP (Network Control Message Protocol) echo request to the specified target system. If the target understands NCMP, a reply will be returned, allowing the round-trip-time and number of hops to be determined. It is intended mainly as a network diagnostic. NCMP is under development and is currently implemented only in PZT systems, so you can only NPING another Xrouter. The command allows the user to specify an additional data payload, and an interval between pings. This can be used to assess the consistency of link performance. Examples: nping gb7gc G8PZT:KIDDER} NPING: hit to quit... Pinging gb7gc with 0 bytes of data: GB7GC: echo reply - rtt 17985 msec, 3 hop(s) nping gb7gc 10 20 G8PZT:KIDDER} NPING: hit to quit... Pinging gb7gc with 10 bytes of data: Target Interval Sent Rcvd % Ave Rtt GB7GC 20020 1 1 100 5170 GB7GC 20020 2 2 100 6930 GB7GC 20020 3 3 100 6765 NRR Netrom Record Route Syntax: NRR This command sends a "record route" packet to the specified netrom target system. It the target is NRR-capable (e.g. Xrouter, Xnet, Flexnet?), the packet is returned otherwise the packet is ignored by the target. Each NRR-capable router along the path inserts its own callsign into the packet, and these are displayed when the reply is received. Non-capable systems are shown by a question mark "?". The target is marked by a "*" and both the outgoing and return routes are displayed because they may differ. Example: nrr gb7gc G8PZT:KIDDER} Request sent Route reply: G8PZT ? GB7GC* ? G8PZT Xrouter Command Reference Revision 2.2 (18/12/02) Page 11 User Commands PING -- Send ICMP echo request(s). Syntax: PING [length [interval]] The PING command sends ICMP echo request(s) to the specified IP address or hostname for the purposes of route testing. An optional data portion of "length" bytes may be specified, and the echo request may optionally be repeated every "interval" seconds. If there is a reply it will be displayed. For repeating pings the system displays the number sent/rcvd, the average round trip time in milliseconds, and the success rate. The "wait for reply" process may be cancelled at any time by entering by itself. If you specify a hostname (e.g. instead of a numeric IP address the request may take longer to action if the hostname isn't found in DOMAIN.SYS, because the name will have to be resolved by sending a DNS request. Examples: PING Single ping of minimum size PING 50 Single ping with 50 bytes data PING gb7pzt Uses DNS to resolve host. PING 512 10 Ping 512 bytes every 10 secs The response for a single ping looks like this: G8PZT:KIDDER} PING: Pinging hit to quit... echo reply - rtt 495 msec And for a repeating ping it looks like this: G8PZT:KIDDER} PING: Target Interval Sent Rcvd % Ave Rtt 9955 1 1 100 880 9955 2 2 100 880 9955 3 3 100 880 Limitations: The ROUTER must have an IP address and have IP routing defined for this command to work. Unrealistic ping rates are prevented. Availability: The PING command is currently available to all users, but due to the potential for abuse the repeating ping option may be made sysop-only in future versions. PMS -- Access the integral PMS Syntax: PMS The PMS command connects the user to Xrouter's integral PMS (Personal Message System). This is a no-frills message storage and retrieval system which can be used to exchange Xrouter Command Reference Revision 2.2 (18/12/02) Page 12 User Commands messages between users and sysops. If the sysop has defined PMSCALL in XROUTER.SYS, users may perform an AX25 level 2 connect directly to the PMSCALL instead of using the PMS command. (PMSCALL must not not be the same as NODECALL) If PMSALIAS and a suitable PMSQUAL are also defined, users may connect directly to the PMS from another node, using NetRom. The PMS has its own simple commands as follows: B[ye] Disconnect from the PMS. H[elp] Display list of commands. K[ill] Kill message number n. L[ist] List messages. Q[uit] Disconnect from the PMS R[ead] Read message number n. S[end] Send a message to sysop. If the user accessed the PMS using the "PMS" command, he will be returned to Xrouter's main command prompt upon exit, otherwise he will be disconnected. There is no limit to the number of messages or the size of a message. If no disk is available, messages are stored in RAM and therefore will be lost if the machine is restarted. If a disk is available, messages are stored on the disk and will persist until killed. PORTS -- List the available ports. Syntax: P[ORTS] Displays the router's port numbers along with their brief descriptions as specified by the PORTID fields in the CFG file. The command may be abbreviated to "P". QUIT Disconnect from the router. Syntax: Q[uit] The QUIT command performs the same function as BYE, namely to terminate your session with the router. The disconnection will occur only when all outstanding data has been sent to you. ROUTES -- List NetRom neighbours which can be heard directly. Syntax: R[OUTES] [Q | X | Y | Z | *] [port] Xrouter Command Reference Revision 2.2 (18/12/02) Page 13 User Commands The ROUTES command, which may be abbreviated to "R", lists the immediately adjacent NetRom nodes, i.e. those who can be heard directly, providing those nodes are making NetRom nodes broadcasts. For each neighbour node the display shows the port number, the neighbour's callsign, the route quality, and the number of nodes accessible through that neighbour. A chevron (>) in the left-most column indicates a route which is in use, and an exclamation mark (!) in the right-most column indicates that the data has been "locked in" by the sysop. See example... If any argument is supplied, it will give additional information mainly of interest to sysops. The additional fields are the current MAXFRAME, FRACK and PACLEN settings, the number of information frames sent, the number of information frames re-sent, the retry rate, which is the ratio of the two preceding figures (or * if both are zero), and the time a nodes broadcast was last heard from the neighbour. Examples: If no arguments are supplied, the output looks like this: G8PZT:KIDDER} Routes: Port Callsign Qty Nod > 5 G4FPV 150 70! > 7 GB7PZT 250 1! > 8 GB7WV-12 100 32! > 9 GB7GH 150 104! 10 GB7CL 150 1! > 11 GB7IPT-7 150 3! 12 G1LOA-10 150 2! The R * form produces an output similar to this: G8PZT:KIDDER} Routes: Port Callsign Qty Nod Max Frack Pac Sent Resent Rty% Last Heard > 5 G4FPV 150 70! 5 7000 160 15550 1507 9% 09/06 13:46 > 7 GB7PZT 250 1! 7 5000 240 25387 4 0% 09/06 13:47 > 8 GB7WV-12 100 32! 1 4000 120 12170 3426 28% 09/06 13:35 > 9 GB7GH 150 104! 4 7000 120 7442 1335 17% 09/06 13:47 10 GB7CL 150 1! 3 7000 240 330 1 0% 09/06 13:23 > 11 GB7IPT-7 150 3! 2 7000 120 19401 2928 15% 09/06 13:47 12 G1LOA-10 150 2! 4 7000 120 10745 3379 31% 09/06 13:39 The "R R 2" form will display only the routes which use port 2. The "R X" form shows the long term average retry rate (Rty%), plus a "running average" (Now%). It also records the peak value of the running average (Max%) and the date/time when it occurred. For example: Xrouter Command Reference Revision 2.2 (18/12/02) Page 14 User Commands G8PZT:KIDDER} Routes: Port Callsign Qty Nod Sent Resent Rty% Now% Max% @dd/mm hh:mm > 7 GB7PZT 250 1! 10067 0 0% 0.0 0.0 > 9 GB7GH 150 93! 333 17 5% 5.3 5.6 26/08 20:26 > 12 G1WXA-1 150 2 1231 83 6% 1.6 24.4 26/08 12:37 (End of list) The "R Y" form shows the "Smoothed Trip Time" (STT) in seconds, the number of time-domain routes (TDR) learned via that neighbour, some flags, plus the MAXTT (milliseconds) and MAXHOPS figures for each route. An stt of 0.00 indicates that the link isn't open or the value hasn't yet been measured. The flags field is mainly for my use and is subject to change. The current flag values are: 1 Locked route 2 Neighbour is INP capable 4 Neighbour is L3RTT capable 8 Neighbour is Xrouter 16 Dynamic route quality enabled. The "R Z" form is experimental and may be subject to change. It shows the perentage of time the neighbour has been connected (Con%), the data throughputs in bytes/sec and the date / time of last L3 activity. The "R Q" form shows the calculated Netrom quality for each route, plus the minimum, maximum and mean deviation of the value. You may use this as a guide when deciding what quality to assign to a route. A low mean deviation indicates a quality which doesn't vary much. SEND Send unproto text Syntax: SE[nd] [V digi,digi,..] Sends an unproto (UI) packet on the specified port. The destination address and up to 8 digis may be specified. This command is included to facilitate tests. Example: Send 7 CQ V G8EPR,G8AKX Meet me on 144.800! STATS -- Display router statistics. Syntax: S[TATS] [L1 | L2 | L3 | *] Displays information about the performance of the router, such as the uptime, the no. of packets routed, error rates etc. See elsewhere in this manual for a detailed explanation of the output. Xrouter Command Reference Revision 2.2 (18/12/02) Page 15 User Commands Entering S by itself will give a single page synopsis, whereas "S *" will produce the full stats. "S L1" will show the layer 1 (interface) stats, such as hardware errors. Note: On multi-port systems the display may wrap, and on busy systems some of the fields may run together. The exact format of the display is not yet finalised. TELNET -- Establish a TCP "connection". Syntax: TEL[NET] [port] The TELNET command allows users to "connect" to other TCP/IP systems, using a "shell" account, i.e. the user does not need to be running TCP/IP as the router does all the TCP/IP <> AX25 translation. The optional parameter specifies the desired service on the target host. If not supplied, the default is 23, i.e. the Telnet (remote login) port. Common port numbers are 21 (FTP), 23 (Rlogin), 25 (SMTP), and 87 (TTYLINK). Examples: TEL 21 - Connect to gb7ipt FTP. TEL - Remote login to gb7lgs TEL gb7pzt 25 - Connect to gb7pzt SMTP Limitations: This command will only work if the router has an IP address and IP routing has been defined. It should be obvious that the router also needs to be connected to an IP-capable network! Notes: Specifying target hosts by their IP addresses will often result in faster connection if the hostname is not in domain.sys, as it will not have to wait for DNS resolution. See also: PING TTYLINK -- Chat directly to another TCP/IP station Syntax: TT[YLINK] [port] The TTYLINK command allows users of any type (i.e. AX25, console, wire link, TCP/IP) to chat directly to TCP/IP users. This is similar to TELNET, except that the default port number is 87, which is reserved for keyboard to keyboard chat. Other port numbers may be specified. Examples: TTY TTY g8pzt Limitations: In order for this command to work, the router must have an IP address and have IP routing defined. Xrouter Command Reference Revision 2.2 (18/12/02) Page 16 User Commands Note: If the target hostname is not known to the router, it will be more efficient to specify the target as an IP address, since this will not require DNS resolution. See also: TELNET USERS Shows who is using the router. Syntax: U[SERS] The USERS command displays the circuits which originate or terminate at the router. "Through" connections are not shown. No arguments are required, and a typical response is as follows: G8PZT:KIDDER} Users: Sess# Start-time Idle Type Lnk User 807 09/06 13:25 25s Cct TCP (gb7pfd) <--> TCP Dlink (GB7PZT) Sess# is the session number. Start-time shows the date and time when the session started. Idle Elapsed time since any uplink activity on session. Type is the type of session as follows: Amsg APRS messaging Asrv APRS server Cct Circuit with another system Chat Chat server Cls Closing session Cmd Command prompt DLC Downlink (closing) DLO Downlink (opening) Dscd Discard Edit Editor Echo Echo FTP File Transfer Protocol Ping Ping, Nping, Gping PMS User is connected to PMS Src Data source Talk Talking to another user Ttyl TTYlink Lnk is the uplink type as follows: CON Console (i.e. sysop) TTY Teletype (ascii wire link) HST Host application TCP TCP/IP L2 Ax25 level 2 L4 Ax25 level 4 (Netrom) Established circuits are shown by <--> and circuits being set up are shown thus: <~~>. For TCP/IP sessions in which the user does not have to log on with a callsign, the IP address and TCP port number are displayed in place of callsign. Xrouter Command Reference Revision 2.2 (18/12/02) Page 17 User Commands Unlike the equivalent BPQ command, this does not show the version number - use the VERSION command for that, or buffer count (this system does not use fixed buffers). VERSION Display software version. Syntax: V[ERSION] The VERSION command displays the router model, version, author and compilation date. You should quote this information when reporting any bugs. XLINK -- Establish a temporary interlink. Syntax: XLINK The XLINK command switches a dialled-in connection into the specified mode, allowing TCP/IP operations to be conducted between the caller and Xrouter. .cp3 The temporary interlink persists until the line is disconnected or, in the case of PPP, an inactivity timeout. The command is only accepted on MODEM (dial-in) ports. Temporary SLIP interlinks require no configuration. Temporary PPP interlinks may optionally be configured by including PPP commands in a PPPHOST.n file, where n is the port number. Example: XLINK PPP - Establish PPP interlink. YELL -- Yell for sysop Syntax: Y[ell] The YELL command attempts to attract the attention of the sysop by making a distinctive sound on the console and displaying a message. If the sysop is available she may then break in on your session for a one-to-one chat. A yell may not always be successful because (a) the sound may be disabled during unsociable hours, (b) the sysop may be away from the console or busy talking to someone else, (c) there may not even be a loudspeaker in the computer, or (d) the node may be located on a remote hilltop or in someone's garage. Xrouter Command Reference Revision 2.2 (18/12/02) Page 18 APRS Messaging APRS MESSAGING COMMANDS ======================= The APRS messaging system accepts the following commands: /A[nnouncements] Show announcements /B[ulletins] Show bulletins /C[ancel] [#] List / cancel unacked message(s) /D[irects] Show directly heard stations /H[elp] [cmd] Display command help /Monitor [on|off] Query / set traffic Monitor mode /Q[uit] Quit (exit) /T[arget] [call] Query / set target for msg /U[iview] [on|off] Query / set UI-View mode /V[ia] [digis] Query / set digipeater path /X Exit All commands and arguments are case-insensitive, and only the first letter of the command needs to be given, thus "/H" and "/help" are equally valid. APRS Messaging Commands In Detail ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ /A Show Announcements Syntax: /A The /A command lists the APRS announcements received by the router. They are listed in alphabetical order by sender. Announcements have a destination address of the form BLNxCCCCC where x represents a single non-digit and CCCCC represents the category (up to 5 characters). They are transmitted once per hour for 4 days, and incoming announcements are retained for 4 days after last reception. /B Show Bulletins Syntax: /B The /B command lists the APRS bulletins received by the router. They are listed in alphabetical order by sender. Bulletins have a destination address of the form BLN#CCCCC where # represents a single digit (0-9) and CCCCC represents the category (up to 5 characters). They are transmitted every 20 minutes for 4 hours, and incoming bulletins are retained for 4 hours after last reception. /C List / Cancel Un-delivered Message(s) Syntax: /C [message #] The /C (Cancel) command is used to cancel re-transmission of outgoing messages originated by the user, e.g. "/C 12345" will cancel message number 12345. Entering /C by itself will list the messages which may be cancelled. Xrouter Command Reference Revision 2.2 (18/12/02) Page 19 APRS Messaging /D List directly heard stations. Syntax: /D The /D command gives a brief list of the stations heard directly. /H Obtain help. Syntax: /H [cmd] Entering /H alone produces a brief list of the commands and their syntax. More detailed help on any of these commands is available by using the "/H " form, e.g. "/H /T" will display help for the /T command. The form "H *" will list all the commands and aprs messaging topics for which help is available. /M Query or set traffic monitor mode. Syntax: /M [on | off] The /M (Monitor) command controls message traffic monitoring. If monitoring is ON, all APRS messages will be displayed. If monitoring is OFF, only the messages addressed to the user will be displayed. The default is OFF, and the current state is reported by using /M alone. /Q Quit messaging mode. The /Q command quits the APRS messaging session and returns you to the router's main prompt. The /x (exit) command performs the same function. /T Query / Set message target. Syntax: /T [call] The /T command displays the current message target or sets a new one. Messaging is not possible until a target has been set. The target remains in force until cleared or a new one is set. The argument can take the following forms: CALLSIGN "message" mode will be used. BLN#xxxxx (# = 0-9) "bulletin" mode, category xxxxx BLN@xxxxx (@ = non-digit) "announcement" category xxxxx . Any punctuation character clears target. Xrouter Command Reference Revision 2.2 (18/12/02) Page 20 APRS Messaging /U Query / Set UI-View messaging mode. Syntax: /U [on | off] The /U (UI-View) command displays and sets "UI-View" messaging mode. If no argument is given, the current mode is reported. If UI-View mode is on, outgoing msgs use UI-View format, and if UI-View mode is of, outgoing msgs use APRS format. The default mode is "off". In either mode, both types of message can be received. UI-View messages will display with a tilde (~) between the message and its ID, whereas APRS- format messages will display with a curly opening bracket ({) if a message ID was supplied. /V Query / Set digipeater (via) path. Syntax: /V [digi,digi,...] The /V (Via) command queries or sets the digipeater path for outgoing messages as follows: /V Display current path /V RELAY,WIDE Set path to RELAY,WIDE /V . Clear path (no digipeaters) The path remains in force until cleared or a new path is specified. /X Exit messaging mode. Syntax: /X The /X command quits the APRS messaging session and returns the user to the router's main prompt. The /q (quit) command performs the same function. Xrouter Command Reference Revision 2.2 (18/12/02) Page 21 Chat Server CHAT SERVER COMMANDS ==================== The following commands are available within the chat server only. /? /ANSI /BELL /BYE /CHANNEL /ECHO /EXIT /HELP /HEADERLN /JOIN /LEAVE /LINKS /MSG /NAME /PERSONAL /QUIT /STAMP /TOPIC /USER /VERSION /WHO CHAT SERVER COMMANDS IN DETAIL ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Note that the server is still experimental, and the syntax of these commands may be changed in future versions. Additional commands will be added as required. /? Display commands / syntax help. Syntax: /? [cmd] When used without arguments, the /? command lists the available commands. The syntax for any of the commands thus listed may be shown by specifying the command as an argument to the /? command. Examples: /? List available commands. /? /who Display syntax for the /WHO command. /ANSI Enable / Disable ANSI colour Syntax: /A[nsi] [on | off] The /ANSI command is used to enable or disable the use of ANSI colour. In order to make use of this feature, callers must be using an ansi-compatible terminal. When enabled, each user's messages are shown in a different colour making it easier to follow threads of conversation. Typing /ANSI by itself displays the current setting. /BELL Display / Set activity bell Syntax: /BE[ll] [0-3] The /BELL command controls which events are signalled by an audible warning. The warning consists of a bell character (ascii 7) within the text. In order to use this feature, your terminal software must respond to bell characters. Arguments to the /BELL command are as follows: 0 No bells (default setting) 1 Informative messages from chat server only 2 Text entered by other chatters only 3 All events. Xrouter Command Reference Revision 2.2 (18/12/02) Page 22 Chat Server /BYE Exit the chat server. Syntax: /B[ye] The /BYE command, which may be shortened to /B, disconnects the user from the chat server, and informs everyone that he's left. There is no need for the user to /leave any logged channels before issuing this command. If the user accessed the server via the router's CHAT command, he will be returned to the router's main command prompt, otherwise he will be completely disconnected. The /EXIT and /QUIT commands also perform this function. /CHANNEL Display / Change logged channel(s). Syntax: /C[hannel] [number] The /CHANNEL command displays / changes the channel(s) the user is logged to. When no argument is supplied, the logged channel(s) is / are displayed. If a valid numeric argument is supplied, the user is logged to the specified channel. Examples: /C Displays current logged channel(s) /C 22 Change to channel 22 When a new channel is selected, the user remains logged to any previous channels, (so he can "monitor" several channels at once) but any subsequent text he sends will go to the new channel (unless targeted otherwise). Note: Channels 1 to 255 are "local" to each chat server, and channels 256-32767 are "global", i.e. they are linked with all other servers. The /JOIN command has a similar function, and /LEAVE is used to de-select unwanted channels. /ECHO Control host echo Syntax: /EC[ho] The /ECHO command toggles host echo on and off. The default setting is ON, i.e. the user receives a copy of any text he sends to the channel. Although host echo slightly increases bandwidth usage, it helps to put the user's text into temporal context amongst the other channel texts, especially when there is latency on the links. The user can more easily spot mistakes such as an incorrectly entered name or callsign. /EXIT Exit the chat server. Syntax: /E[xit] Xrouter Command Reference Revision 2.2 (18/12/02) Page 23 Chat Server The /EXIT command, which may be shortened to /E, disconnects the user from the chat server, and informs everyone that he's left. There is no need for the user to /leave any logged channels before issuing this command. If the user accessed the server via the router's CHAT command, he will be returned to the router's main command prompt, otherwise he will be completely disconnected. The /BYE and /QUIT commands also perform this function. /HEADERLN Controls display format Syntax: /HEA[derln] [on | off] The /HEADERLN command controls whether or not the "header" and text of messages are displayed on the same line. If the setting is OFF (default), the header and text are displayed on the same line. This leads to a more compact display, especially when the texts are short. If the setting is ON, headers and text are displayed on separate lines. /HELP Obtain help. Syntax: /HELP [topic] When used without arguments, the /HELP command gives brief instruction on how to access various levels of help. If a topic is specified, detailed help for that topic (if available) is displayed. The topic may be a command name, or any other chat server related topic. A list of the available help topics can be obtained by specifying "*" as a topic. Examples: /H Display general instructions. /H * List available help topics. /H /who Display help for /WHO command. Note: When using /H to display help for a command, the leading slash for that command may be omitted. Thus "/H /who" and "/H who" are equally permissible. /JOIN Join (log onto) a channel. Syntax: /J[oin] The /JOIN command logs the user to a channel, and performs a similar function to the /CHANNEL command. Xrouter Command Reference Revision 2.2 (18/12/02) Page 24 Chat Server When a new channel is selected, the user remains logged to any previous channels, (so he can "monitor" several channels at once) but any subsequent text he sends will go to the new channel (unless targeted otherwise). (Unwanted channels may be de-selected using the complementary /LEAVE command.) Example: /J 22 Join channel 22 Note: Channels 0 to 255 are "local" to each chat server, and channels 256-32767 are "global", i.e. they are linked with all other servers. /LEAVE Leave (log off) a channel. Syntax: /L[eave] The /LEAVE command logs the user off the specified channel. When a user joins a channel, he remains logged to any previous channels, so this command allows him to de-select unwanted channels. Example: /L 22 - Leave channel 22 /LINKS Display / Change peer links Syntax: /LI[nks] [add | drop ] /LI[nks] ADD : /LI[nks] DROP The /LINKS command shows the status of the links with other chat servers, and allows sysops to add and drop links without rebooting Xrouter. In the Netrom case, is the netrom callsign (not alias) of the peer server, and it must exist in Xrouter's nodes table otherwise the link will not be opened. If you have trouble with peers dropping in and out of the nodes table, create a "locked" node entry. In the TCP/IP case, is the server ID of a Tampa Ping-Pong server, is its IP address, and is the TCP port number of the server. Examples: /LI ADD G1SSL-8 /LI DROP G8NTU-8 /LI ADD brmcht /MSG Send a short message to a channel or a single user. Syntax: /M[sg] The /Msg command is used to send a short message (70 chars max.) to any specified channel or single user. You may for example use this command to direct a message to a channel you are monitoring, but not actually logged to. Xrouter Command Reference Revision 2.2 (18/12/02) Page 25 Chat Server If you direct a message to a specific user, he may be on this or any other chat server. The private nature of the message will be indicated to the recipient by asterisks around the sender's call, e.g. <*g8pzt@kdchat*> (Paula): Meet me on channel 69. Examples: /M 32 Hello People /M g6yak Meet me on channel 69 The first form sends "Hello People" to all the users of channel 32, and the second form sends a private msg to g6yak only. Providing G6YAK is logged on to any chat server, the message will find him. Note: As with all things Packet, the term "private" is relative, as nothing is truly private when it is broadcast! /NAME Set name. Syntax: /N[ame] [channel] The /NAME command sets the user's name, which will be displayed on the user list and prefixed to everything he sends to others. Users are not allowed to join any channels until they have supplied a name (12 chars max), so it acts as a "log on" command. The name need be supplied only at the initial logon, and may be changed as the user wishes. On the first use of this command, the user may optionally specify a channel to join instead of the default (channel 0). TCP/IP users must first use the /USER command (see below) to enter their callsign. Examples: /N Paula Set name to "Paula" /N Paula 23 Set name and join channel 23 /PERSONAL Display / change personal description. Syntax: /P[ersonal] [text | @] The /PERSONAL command is used to display or change the user's personal description. This is a short text of up to 32 characters, which is displayed on the user list. It may typically contain the user's home town and "brag" information. If the user logs onto any "public" channels (i.e. those above channel 255), this information will appear on the user lists of all other chat servers. If used without arguments, the /PERSONAL command displays the user's current text. If the argument is "@", the existing text is removed. Xrouter Command Reference Revision 2.2 (18/12/02) Page 26 Chat Server Examples: /P - Displays current text /P Kidderminster, sysop - Set new text. /P @ - Clear previous text. /QUIT Exit the chat server. Syntax: /Q[uit] The /QUIT command, which may be shortened to /Q, disconnects the user from the chat server, and informs everyone that he's left. There is no need for the user to /leave any logged channels before issuing this command. If the user accessed the server via the router's CHAT command, he will be returned to the router's main command prompt, otherwise he will be completely disconnected. The /BYE and /EXIT commands also perform this function. /STAMP Controls timestamping of message texts. Syntax: /S[TAMP] [on | off] With stamp ON (default) each mesage is timestamped in the following style, designed to be readable both by humans and by client software: [1234] 09:35 {21:33} (Peter): Hello folks The first field is the channel number. This may seem pointless, but you will soon appreciate it if you are logged to more than one channel! The second field is the chatserver's timestamp, i.e. the local time the message was received at, and redistributed by, the server. This is useful if you are away from the screen for a while, or are logging the activity to disk. The third field is the originating server's timestamp, i.e. the local time at which the message was entered into the system. With servers linked across different timezones, the two timestamps may differ by up to 12 hours. Personally I find it useful to know what the other user's local time is, because it helps put their comments into perspective. The timestamps can also highlight propagation delays. The fourth field consists of the sender's callsign and the "alias" of the originating server. Users may (and often do) log onto more than one server, often at the same time. The fifth field is the user's name. Those who are used to chatting on the Ping-Pong system seem to be unable to cope with anything which is different, so with STAMP OFF the header information is abbreviated in the Ping-Pong style as follows: : Test Xrouter Command Reference Revision 2.2 (18/12/02) Page 27 Chat Server /TOPIC Display / Change channel topic. Syntax: /T[opic] [channel] [text | @] Every channel has an optional topic, and the /TOPIC command can be used to display the existing topic or change it. The topic can be up to 12 characters, and is displayed on the /Who list. Examples: /T - Show current ch. topic /T 32 - Show channel 32 topic /T 32 TCP/IP discussion - Set topic for ch. 32 /T @ - Clear topic. /USER TCP/IP logon. Syntax: /U[ser] [name] The /USER command is available only to TCP/IP users. It sets the user's callsign (and optionally his name), which will be displayed on the user list and prefixed to everything he sends to others. The user will not be able to join the conference without supplying both callsign (9 chars max) and name (12 chars max), but if the name is omitted from this command he may enter it in the normal way with the /Name command. Examples: /U g8pzt - Set callsign to "g8pzt". /U g8pzt Paula - Set callsign and name. /VERSION Display chat server version. Syntax: /V[ersion] The /VERSION command displays the chat server version, author and compilation date. Please quote it if reporting bugs. /WHO List channels and users. Syntax: /W[ho] [*] The /WHO command lists who is logged onto the chat server, and what channels they are on. If no arguments are supplied, the active channels are listed, along with the callsigns of their users. If an asterisk is supplied as the argument, each user is displayed in more detail. The display would typically show the user's callsign, name, personal text and logon date/time. Xrouter Command Reference Revision 2.2 (18/12/02) Page 28 Chat Server Examples: /W Lists channels & users in brief format /W * Lists users in detail Xrouter Command Reference Revision 2.2 (18/12/02) Page 29 Sysop-only Commands SYSOP-ONLY COMMANDS =================== The following commands are available only to sysops. Some of them, e.g. ARP are repeated from above, but with extra facilities. ARP -- Display / Edit the ARP table. Syntax: ARP [ADD ] ARP [DROP ] ARP [LIST] The ARP command is used to display and edit the Address Resolution Table, responsible for mapping IP datagrams to callsigns. If no arguments are supplied, the table is listed. ADD adds an entry to the table. DROP deletes an entry. LIST lists the table. FLUSH Removes temporary (learned) entries PUBLISH Adds an entry on behalf of a hidden system is an IP address in dotted quad form. is the hardware address type, i.e. "ax25", "ether", or "netrom". is the hardware address, i.e. callsign or ethernet address. It is possible to route IP through digipeaters, by including the digipeaters callsigns as part of the ax25 address. The ax25 destination and digis must form a single comma-delimited string. The PUBLISH option is typically used in cases where one system is "hidden" (i.e. only routable via) a "front end" router, and instructs the front end router to respond to ARP requests for the hidden system's address. In this case is the IP address of the hidden system, and is the hardware address of the front end router. Examples: ARP ADD ax25 gb7pzt-5 Add ax25 entry ARP ADD ax25 g8bkl,g6yak Use digis ARP DROP ax25 Delete ax25 entry ARP PUB ax25 g8pzt-7 Publish 91.77 ARP LIST List the table ARP List the table Availability: The LIST subcommand is available to everyone, but ADD and DROP are sysop-only. Xrouter Command Reference Revision 2.2 (18/12/02) Page 30 Sysop-only Commands Note: In order for this command to have any meaning, the router must have an IP address and be connected to an IP-capable network. AXROUTES -- Display AX25 level 2 circuits Syntax: AX[ROUTES] The AXROUTES command displays information about active and recently active AX25 level 2 connections, allowing the sysop to monitor the performance of the links between the router and its users. Entries are purged 24 hours after they were last active, unless they are "locked" (indicated by "!" after the callsign), i.e. in use by level 3. A typical display looks like this: Por Callsign M Pac F RTT Sent Resent Rty Rcvd Lost Rol Date/Time >5 G4FPV ! 5 160 7 5 24217 1265 5% 24010 984 4% 28/01 09:46 >7 GB7PZT ! 7 240 5 1 100884 0 0% 129788 0 0% 28/01 09:46 >8 GB7WV-12 ! 1 120 4 2 14456 3348 23% 14218 753 5% 28/01 09:46 >9 GB7GH ! 4 120 7 3 16591 511 3% 14965 4 0% 28/01 09:43 10 GB7CL ! 3 240 7 2 1122 55 4% 1009 5 0% 27/01 23:32 >11 GB7IPT-7 ! 2 120 7 5 104483 15436 14% 46589 8344 17% 28/01 09:46 12 GB7BM ! 4 120 7 4 13562 1598 11% 5626 57 1% 28/01 09:36 8 WV12-1 1 120 7 2 3362 999 29% 918 38 4% 28/01 08:07 12 BRUM-1 4 120 7 5 10730 593 5% 1503 52 3% 28/01 09:45 1 G1ZRN 2 160 7 2 3693 164 4% 949 14 1% 28/01 02:24 4 G3MRC 2 120 7 5 4937 160 3% 35 0 0% 27/01 23:38 1 G0NXB 2 160 7 3 1485 89 5% 96 0 0% 27/01 19:37 1 G6YAK-2 2 160 7 3 26 2 7% 23 0 0% 27/01 22:46 1 G0EWH 2 160 7 4 1687 325 19% 213 2 0% 27/01 16:46 1 G4SPZ 2 160 7 2 222 10 4% 83 8 9% 27/01 20:43 1 G4MTG-2 2 160 7 3 10 0 0% 5 0 0% 27/01 11:17 1 G0HTF 2 160 7 4 332 13 3% 63 11 17% 28/01 09:45 6 G3PWJ 2 160 7 3 18 0 0% 3 0 0% 27/01 23:56 1 G7UBX 2 160 7 2 27 1 3% 6 0 0% 28/01 08:46 1 M0ALH 2 160 7 4 8 1 12% 5 2 40% 28/01 09:24 (End of list) The display shows the port number and callsign, with a chevron ">" in the leftmost column in the link is currently active. "M", "Pac" and "F" are the Maxframe, Paclen and Frack last used on that link. They may be the same as the port or global defaults, or they may have been modified by the router to suit link conditions "RTT" is the Round Trip Time in seconds, i.e. the average time from sending a packet to receiving an ack for that packet. This is dependent on many variables, such as the packet size, the quality of the link, the data rate, the amount of queued data, the TXdelay and Resptime intervals at each end etc... Xrouter Command Reference Revision 2.2 (18/12/02) Page 31 Sysop-only Commands "Sent" is the total no. of L2 frames sent to that station, and "Resent" is the number of frames which had to be retried. "RTY%" is the ratio of these expressed as a percentage. "Rcvd" is the total no. of L2 frames received from that station and "Lost" is the number which were lost and had to be re-sent from the other end. "Rol" is "Rate Of Loss", which is effectively the retry rate which would be seen by the other station. Finally, Date/Time shows when the station was last heard. BELL -- Display / Set bell times. Syntax: BE[ll] [#xxxx | n | n+n+n] The BELL command is used to display and set the hours during which the console bells will sound. These are the two tone connection (low->high) and disconnection (high->low) bells, and the 4 tone (Star Trek doorbell) sysop paging sound. When used without arguments, the current setting is displayed as a hex number, e.g. "#7fff00". This represents a 24 bit binary number, with bit 0 (least significant, i.e. rightmost, bit) representing midnight, and bit 23 (leftmost) representing 23:00h. If any bit is set, the console bells will be active during that hour. In the above example, #7fff00 represents binary 0111 1111 1111 1111 0000 0000 i.e. hours 08:00 to 22:00 inclusive. There are 3 ways to specify the bell times: #xxxxxx A 24 bit hex number as explained above. n Single decimal number representing 1 hour n+n+n Combination of decimal hours (no spaces) For example, "BELL #f0" would enable bells from 04:00 to 07:59 only, "BELL 9" would enable bells from 09:00 to 09:59 only, and "BELL 9+10+12" enables bells from 09:00 to 10:59 and 12:00 to 12:59. The default bell times are 08:00 to 22:59 inclusive. The BELL command may be used in BOOTCMDS.SYS to override this. CAPTURE -- Enable / disable tracing to disk file. Syntax: CAP[TURE] [on | off] The CAPTURE command is used to enable or disable the tracing to disk of incoming and outgoing traffic. When capture is enabled, anything which is displayed in the central 22 line window is written also to disk. This includes session activity and TRACE'd data. Whereas the screen display is filtered to prevent it being garbled by binary data, the capture is pure binary, so it is useful for diagnostics. Xrouter Command Reference Revision 2.2 (18/12/02) Page 32 Sysop-only Commands The optional argument may be "ON" or "OFF". If no argument is supplied, the current setting is reported. This command overrides the (toggle capture) key. The console may override a remote sysop's settings. Example: CAP ON - Enables capture. Note: You are advised not to enable long-term capture on a floppy based system otherwise performance will be compromised. See also: MONITOR CTRL Read / Write remote hardware control port. Syntax: CTRL [0-255] The CTRL command reads from and writes to the CTRL port defined in the CFG file (e.g. CTRL=0378 to use LPT1). This is used for controlling external hardware devices via logic, and reading status from them, for example transmitter bank switching or temperature alarm monitoring. "CTRL" by itself reads the port, and "CTRL " writes it. The read value is the OR of last written value and external levels, so a bit must be written to 0 in order to use it as an input. If written to 1, a bit will always return 1. DATE -- Enquire / set system date Syntax: DATE [dd/mm/yy[yy]] If no argument is supplied, the existing system date is shown. If the user is a sysop, and the argument is a valid date of form dd/mm/yy or dd/mm/yyyy the system date is set to the new value. Example: DATE 24/2/99 See also: TIME DHCP -- Display DHCP-obtained IP configuration parameters. Syntax: DHCP For ports on which the DHCP Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol) client is enabled, the DHCP command displays the IP configuration parameters which have been obtained via DHCP. Parameters displayed include: IP address, DHCP server address, gateway IP address, primary DNS address, lease expiry time, and DHCP state. Xrouter Command Reference Revision 2.2 (18/12/02) Page 33 Sysop-only Commands DHCP is enabled by including the "DHCP=1" directive in the relevant PORT block within XROUTER.CFG. DIAL -- Dial a PSTN connection. Syntax: DIA[l]