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 Brain Synchronization:  

How do you sync the two hemispheres of the brain: 

Brain Synchronization is a condition in which both brain hemispheres produce strong brain waves of a single, coherent rhythm. Often associated with deep meditation or intense creativity.

Duality: The idea that the world manifests due to the tension between polar opposites, such as yin and yang, good and evil, up and down, here and there, me and not-me, and so on. Seeing the universe in terms of how people and things are separate and in opposition. 

Map of reality: An internal conceptualization we make of who we are and what our relationship is to the rest of the world, which includes beliefs, values, language, memories, decision-making strategies, and ways of sorting and filtering information. The map of reality plays a large role in determining our results and experience of life.

Witnessing (The Witness): Watching whatever is unfolding, internally or externally, from a curious or emotionally dispassionate perspective, as if it were happening to someone else; being aware in the moment of how each situation is being created by all concerned while watching it without emotional involvement. 

Relaxation response:  A term coined by Harvard professor Herbert Benson, M.D., to describe a response opposite to the "fight or flight" response, in which the brain releases various neurochemicals having a wide range of effects through the body, mobilizing the body's resources inward for contemplation, relaxation, or meditation. In the relaxation response, heart rate, blood pressure, and respiration decrease, muscles relax, and oxygen and blood flow to the brain increase. In addition, the predominant type of electrical activity in the brain changes from low-amplitude, rapid-frequency beta brain waves indicative of external attention to the slower, higher-amplitude, more strongly rhythmical alpha and theta indicative of inward attention. 

Law of increasing entropy:  The Second Law of Thermodynamics, which says that the overall amount of randomness, or entropy, in the universe is always increasing.   

Prigogine, Ilya: Russian-born Belgian physical chemist and Nobel laureate for chemistry in 1977 for work on dissipative structures, open systems that maintain, and even increase their orderliness and complexity by dissipating entropy to their environment. Centerpointe Research Institute has applied Prigogine's model of how open systems evolve and change to personal and spiritual growth.  

Chaos:  A condition of increased randomness, disorder, or entropy. In open systems, if the chaos reaches a certain point, the system has the possibility of reorganizing at a higher level of functioning.  

Complex system: A system that constantly exchanges energy and matter with the outside environment and which can constantly adjust to environmental conditions. Complex systems maintain their level of complexity through their ability to dissipate chaos, or randomness, to their environment.  

Entropy: A measure of the amount of randomness, or chaos, in a system.  

Overwhelm: A condition in which a person's internal map of reality cannot handle the mental, emotional, or physical environment, often leading to dysfunctional feelings and behaviors.  

Resiliency:  The ability of a complex system to handle and process increasing amounts of input from the environment without becoming internally chaotic or overwhelmed; a plasticity in the ability to respond to varied and changing conditions, showing a wide ability to adapt to changes in the environment.  

Threshold: The point at which further input will overwhelm the system. Each person has an upper limit of how much they can handle coming at them from their environment; when this threshold is exceeded, most people attempt to cope with the stress of being over this threshold through one or more dysfunctional feelings or behaviors. Traumatic experiences can lower this threshold, making the person more sensitive to overwhelm and more likely to exhibit dysfunctional feelings and behaviors. Holosync audio technology raises one's threshold.  

Closed system: A system that does not exchange energy and matter with its environment, and therefore cannot adjust to changing environmental conditions, or whose ability to do so is very limited.   

Open system: A system that constantly exchanges energy and matter with the outside environment and has the ability to constantly adjust itself to environmental conditions. Complex systems maintain their level of complexity through their ability to dissipate choas, or randomness, to their environment.   

Bifurcation point: The point at which an open system has reached a point of maximum chaos, and either ceases to exist as a variable system or reorganizes at a higher, more functional level.  

Conscious: A state of being aware, in each moment, of everything that is combining to create the circumstances of the present moment, in all its relationships and connections.    

Holosync: An audio technology developed by Centerpointe Research Institute that, when listened to through stereo headphones, creates changes in electrical brain wave patterns and pushes the brain to reorganize at higher and more complex levels of functioning. Typical responses include a falling away of dysfunctional emotional responses, a raising of one's threshold for what one can handle from the environment, increases self-awareness, and an overall acceleration in mental, emotional, and spiritual growth.  To view more information on the subject, go to http://www.centerpointe.com/     If you intend to order any of the associated Centerpointe programs, the Australian web address is www.